Tropical Houseplants

Keeping your beloved tropical houseplants pest-free can be a challenge, especially when dealing with common pests like thrips, spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs. These pests can quickly spread between plants in your collection, especially when acquiring new plants or exchanging cuttings with fellow collectors.

Many chemical pesticides are unsuitable for indoor use and can harm your plants or your indoor environment. That’s why biological pest control — using natural predators and beneficial insects to control pests — is a fantastic, eco-friendly option for houseplant enthusiasts.

The tables below outline our recommended products for managing each pest, with details on both prevention and elimination rates. Prevention focuses on protecting your plants from pest damage, while elimination targets removing existing pests from your collection.



To effectively monitor and control pests in your tropical houseplant collection, use a minimum of 4 yellow Horiver Wetstick cards per room. These sticky cards are essential for detecting and monitoring thrips, whiteflies, aphids, and sciarid flies. Check the cards weekly to track any increases in pest populations.

Inspect all incoming plants thoroughly upon arrival. After this, perform weekly plant inspections by carefully examining your plants. Inspect the soil, stems, leaves, and leaf joints for any signs of pests. Make sure to flip leaves and check both upper and lower surfaces, especially focusing on new growth where pests often hide.

When introducing new plants to your collection, always quarantine them for at least two weeks before integrating them with your established plants.

Following these practices will help you stay ahead of pest problems, ensuring your tropical houseplants remain healthy and vibrant.

Spider Mite Control Products

Spider Mite Control Products Preventative Elimination Repeat Applications Notes

One sachet per plant


Every 3-4 weeks

Feeds on all stages of spider mites, but does not do well in webbing. The sachets last 4-5 weeks on the plants.

One sachet per plant


Bi-weekly or as needed

Feeds on all stages of spider mites.


One sachet per plant





100-150 predatory mites per meter square

Bi-weekly or as needed

Both products feed on all stages of spider mites.


Use Spidex Boost OR Spidex Red & Diboxes

to avoid getting carrier material on the floor.


Thrips Control Products

Thrips Control Products Preventative Elimination Repeat Applications Notes

One sachet per plant

One sachet per plant combined with Thripor or Horiver

Every 4-5 weeks

Feeds on 1st instar thrips larvae. The sachets last 4-5 weeks once applied on the plants.


40 insects per sq. meter

Bi-weekly or as needed

Both products feed on all stages of thrips, except eggs and pupae. Do not combine Thripor and Chrysopa together. Only choose one.


Thripor: use for common thrips species like the Western Flower Thrips or the Onion Thrips (brownish-beige adults, yellow larvae).


Chrysopa: use for more exotic thrips species like the Echinothrips or the Greenhouse Thrips (black adults, white larvae).


Best used with diboxes for a cleaner distribution method.

One card per square meter

Two cards per square meter

Replace cards when full

For best results place cards approx. 18" (46cm) above canopy.


Blue or Yellow: common thrips species

Green: Echinothrips

1 tablespoon per pot


Repeat every 6-8 weeks or when an influx of thrips is found on the plants

Only use with common thrips species, as this product only feeds on thrips pupae and the Echinothrips do not pupate in the soil.


To be used as a supplementary control in combination with Swirski Ulti-mite. Will not adequately control thrips as a stand alone product.


An Entomite 10,000 will treat 60 pots at one tablespoon per pot.

Fungus Gnat Control Products

Fungus Gnat Control Products Preventative Elimination Repeat Applications Notes

1 tablespoon per pot

2-3 tablespoons per pot.

Prevention: re-apply every time you pot up your plants or change out soil.


Elimination: Repeat every 6-8 weeks or when there is an influx of fungus gnats flying around the plants

Feeds on fungus gnat eggs and larvae.


An Entomite 10,000 will treat 60 pots at one tablespoon per pot.


Use in combination with yellow Horiver Wetstick cards.

One card per square meter

Two cards per square meter

Replace cards when full

Hang underneath the foliage near the soil line to capture flying adults.


500,000 per meter square

Re-apply weekly for 3-4 weeks

For fast results, use in conjunction with Entomite. Works on fungus gnat larvae.

Aphid Control Products

Aphid Control Products Preventative Elimination Repeat Applications Notes


50 insects per square meter

Weekly or bi-weekly as needed

Aphids are extremely difficult to eradicate using biologicals only. Best used with diboxes for a cleaner distributions method.

Scale/Mealybug Control Products

Scale/Mealybug Control Products Preventative Elimination Repeat Applications Notes


40 insects per square meter

Weekly or bi-weekly as needed

Product mimics the look of mealybugs. It can be hard to distinguish between the two. Best used with diboxes for a cleaner distribution method.

Whitefly Control Products

Whitefly Product Controls Preventative Curative Repeat Applications Notes

1 sachet per plant

1 sachet per plant combined with yellow Horiver cards

Apply every 4-5 weeks.

Feeds on eggs and larvae of whitefly. The sachets last 4-5 weeks on the plants.


10-20 wasps per meter sq.

Apply weekly or bi-weekly, depending on pest pressure

Parasitizes the second to fourth whitefly larval instars.


Will not see product work for up to 2 weeks after first install.


Should be used with Swirski Ulti-Mite sachets.

One card per square meter

Two cards per square meter

Replace cards when full

For best results place cards approx. 18" (46cm) above canopy.

Tropical Houseplant Solutions by Pests:


Fungus gnats
(Sciarid flies)

Shore flies

Leaf miners

Brown soft scale

Citrus mealybug


spider mites

Spider mite

Broad mite

Impatiens thrips

Western flower

Onion thrips



Effective Bio-Control Tips for Tropical Houseplants:

Predatory Mites: If plants are touching, predatory mites can easily move between them. When plants are not touching, apply the sachets or bottles evenly to each individual plant for effective coverage.

Flying Predators: These predators will naturally disperse to locate prey. However, introducing them at multiple points throughout the growing area improves pest control efficiency.

Product Application: For a mess-free, efficient distribution, use Ulti-Mite sachets. These sachets prevent carrier material from falling onto your floor, keeping your growing area tidy and your plants safe. If Ulti-Mite sachets aren’t available, use DiBoxes for loose product. This helps contain the carrier material, ensuring it doesn’t fall onto the floor or surrounding areas.

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