This item will be shipped between 10 – 14 days from your order date and delivery may take 1 – 2 additional days. For further information, please send us an e-mail
Scientific name: Rhyzobius lophanthae
Common name: Scale Destroyer
Best used: as a curative treatment, directly in infested areas where you have seen scale (armored or soft). Prefers armored scale, like Californian red scale (Aonidiella aurantii), Oleander scale (Aspidiotus nerii) and Rose scale.
Works by: Small scales are consumed entirely. In larger scales, feeding damage is visible as irregular holes in the scale cover.
Pack size: 100ml bottle, containing 500 adults in buckwheat.
Targeted pests:
Brown soft scale
Most of our products contain living organisms; therefore, we must follow specific procedures to guarantee their safe transportation from our door to yours.
All orders received before Wednesday (3:00 pm EST) will ship the following week. We guarantee the product will arrive before end of day Saturday.
If there is a holiday the ship day will be delayed one (1) business day.
Orders are not shipped or delivered on Sundays or holidays.
We cannot deliver to PO boxes.
For more information, please visit: Rhyzobug | Koppert Products
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